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To use BPOINT, you must: 

  1. choose the reason for your payment under the biller code field (eg rent, water or other charges) 
  2. enter your tenancy reference number
  3. enter the name of the head tenant as it appears on your lease agreement
  4. enter your bank agent number (if you have one*) to help us allocate your payment.

You can find the details you need on your rent, water or other charges tenant statement. If you are still unsure please contact your local office for help and support.  

*Some customers do not have a bank agent number, if this is you, please leave the bank agent reference number field empty or enter 0000. 

If you accidentally make a mistake with your payment, for example you enter the wrong amount or the wrong tenancy reference number, please call SGCH on 1800 573 370. 

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